Operation Underground Railroad Documentary Screening

It’s Happening Right Here Documentary Screening (Trailer: https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=403147541324821 ) and Q&A with Operation Underground Railroad Founder, Tim Ballard, and O.U.R. Director of Operations, Matt Osborne.

It’s Happening Right Here is a Documentary that unveils the truth about sex trafficking and can happen in every community in the U.S. It highlights awareness about online grooming, sextortion, and trafficking, along with preventative tools, which are examined through interviews with law enforcement, technology experts, and survivors. Despite the darkness of this crime, hope can be found in the organizations fighting to end trafficking and those sharing their experiences to protect others.

Paramount 5 Theaters                                                                                                                                                                                            March 26th
11:00 / 1:30 / 4:00


Mar 26 2022

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