AMMON, ID – December 11, 2021
The East Idaho Messiah Sing-In will be performed on Sunday, December 19, 2021, at 6 p.m., at the
Thunder Ridge High School auditorium, 4941 E. First Street in Ammon. All are invited to attend and
participate in this non-denominational celebration of Christmas.
Performers will include a full choir and orchestra, as well as several talented soloists. This year’s soloists
include Heather Bankston, Gunnar Charles, Tiffany Nielsen, Sean Coletti, Karen Dance, Jacob Meldrum,
Madison Holloway, Evan Dunn, Savanna McNeil, Rachel Keppner, Michelle Hill, and Cindy Coletti.
Audience members should consider bringing their Handel’s Messiah books to the performance so they
can sing along with the choir numbers. Specifically, the audience will be invited to sing-along with the
songs, “And The Glory of the Lord,” “And He Shall Purify,” “For Unto Us a Child is Born,” “Glory to God,”
the “Hallelujah Chorus,” and to conclude the program, “Worthy is the Lamb that was Slain.”
Admission is free, but audience members are invited to bring one nonperishable food item for donation
to the Community Food Basket in Idaho Falls.
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